Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Starring: Ruben Bansie, Sara Lauren Adler, Donald Rizzo, Tere Martinez, Vanessa Hidary, Zach McGowan, Yael Silverman, Kool Sphere, Alex Lozano
Screenplay By: David Tianga
Directed By: David Tianga
Produced By: Stefanie Walmsley and Joey Perron-Kozar
Plot Outline: "Jack & Jules" is the first installment of the 6 part short film series that follows Julian's spiritual journey around the globe. His adventures take him to Ecuador, Spain, the Philippines, and India, and like many great stories... it all begins in New York.

"Jack & Jules" follows NYC high school senior Julian Martinez as he must decide to either fulfill his immigrant mother's dream of sending him to college or follow the teachings of his hero Jack Kerouac and go ON THE ROAD to discover life for himself. With the help of his artist girlfriend Jackie, who is herself dealing with personal obstacles that she must learn to embrace, Julian hopes to find the inner strength to set out in search of his identity.

Julian Martinez is the new face of America, a first generation South American whose culture and home life directly conflict with his desire for identity in a modern American subculture. Will he venture out to forge a new road in his soul or will he quell his burning and succumb to his family's expectations along the path to college? This poignant short film explores and exposes the universality of the American Dream in all its inherent beauty-- as well as its shortcomings.
"Jack & Jules" is the first installment of the 6 part short film series that follows Julian's spiritual journey around the globe. His adventures take him to Ecuador, Spain, the Philippines, and India, and like many great stories... it all begins in New York.

"Jack & Jules" follows NYC high school senior Julian Martinez as he must decide to either fulfill his immigrant mother's dream of sending him to college or follow the teachings of his hero Jack Kerouac and go ON THE ROAD to discover life...

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